Tomahawk Creek Parkway, Leawood, Kansas

Hello! Let's go to Leawood, Kansas today to embellish a stylish condo built in 1996.

This one is move-in ready for us, down to the paint colors. Don't you love it when that happens? 

Isn't this pretty? This was from a tour of Amy & Greg Strunk's home on The furniture arrangement is perfect, and I thought it was a nice way to add traditional style to a contemporary space.

At the end of the living room is the kitchen and dining area.

With some reconfiguration, we can add this, from Better Homes and Gardens.

It will bring in more of that traditional style to this side of the room.

The bathroom is already painted a very stylish slate blue.

A few accessories and a pretty shower curtain later, we have this, just like the one decorated by Bryn Alexandra. 

Here we go with just a little style added to the bedroom, inspired by Tobi Fairley.

Nice that the coral accent color in the bathroom is carried into the bedroom, and look, the pillowcase embroidery even matches the shower curtain. 

And there we have it. This house came together in a snap. Just like in real life, sometimes it takes forever to find inspiration, but then other times the perfect thing is just waiting for you.

I'll leave you with that deep thought for now. Where to next?  It's a Secret.  ;)
Thanks for reading!

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