Mill Road, Red Lake, Ontario, Canada

Starbucks' pumpkin spice latte is back, and this house says it's time to celebrate.

Whether you name this paint color pumpkin, copper, or "carl" like designer James Farmer's mom, it definitely warms up a home.

It gives this kitchen a rosy glow...

...and makes this office a pleasant place for productivity:

Right now it's an extremely boring place for productivity, but I have an idea to fix that:

I spliced together two views of Erin Gates' office. She's a designer known for both pleasant spaces and for her productivity, and I'd love to have a simple and stylish, rosy office like hers.

And then, after I've been so productive that I didn't need to be productive any more, I'd convert my office to this plush lounge:

{Stacey Smithers}

The rosy glow in the house must have been inspired by the views outside. The town of Red Lake is part of what's aptly known as Sunset Country.

. {source}

Gold adds another glow to Red Lake. It still has operating mines dating back to the 1920's Gold Rush  that have produced over 21 million ounces of gold. Because of it, the Howey Bay airport was once the busiest airport in the world, with planes of all kinds going in and out every 15 minutes. Red Lake has summer Norseman festivals that feature the old bush planes. You can fly over the lake and take in the glow of this pretty town, maybe enjoying your favorite pumpkin spiced beverage as you do it.

All I can say is, enjoy the pumpkin while you can, because peppermint is coming all too soon.

The listing is here.

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